小朋友不懂事,經常透過用哭的方式來表達情緒,但是在台中一歲半的王小弟,竟然哭到呼吸中止,臉色發黑,差點把家長給嚇壞了。 原來王小弟上週四晚上,一口氣一連喝了三瓶養樂多,接著繼續喝第四瓶時,父親擔心喝太多把飲料拿走,沒想到王小弟放聲大哭,還哭到差點休克。 醫師表示少數的嬰幼兒呼吸系統尚未發育完全,大哭可能會引發屏息症,輕微的大約二十秒就會自行恢復,家長不用太擔心,但是嚴重的,恐怕會猝死,提醒家長遇到脾氣較固執的小朋友,一定要慢慢安撫,可千萬不要硬碰硬。
身為媽媽們對這則新聞應該或多或少都有印象. 前陣子,就這麼莫名其妙的發生在我家阿福身上.
話說那一天,阿福想要出去玩,我不讓他去並請Nana把門關起來,於是阿福開始大哭, 我不以為意,就在20秒內阿福就暈倒了.我嚇壞…不知如何是好,我父親一把將阿福抱去,對著他嘴裡吹氣,同時間我衝去打電話叫救護車,同時間阿福就醒了,但相當虛弱.
How to Deal With a Baby Who Holds His Breath
Watching your baby hold her breath can be a terrifying sight. However, breath holding is rarely harmful. Even when a baby holds her breath to the point of passing out, automatic respiratory mechanisms will kick on, making her breathe again. Breath holding is usually caused by anger, pain or frustration. When an upsetting situation occurs, the baby begins crying. Instead of calming down, she continues to cry until she begins to hyperventilate and stops breathing. Approximately 1 in every 5 babies will hold her breath at some point. It has a tendency to run in families and occurs most often when a child is between 6 months and 4 years. Treating breath holding involves minimizing the conditions which cause the tantrums that lead to the breath holding.
- Make sure that your baby is sleeping enough. If your baby is tired, he may become overstimulated and will be more prone to becoming frustrated.
- Pick your battles. Decide which behaviors you will discipline and which you will let go. If a baby constantly is told “no” and is being punished, she will be more likely to become frustrated.
- Try to calm baby early. Use toys, singing, music or other distractions to calm your baby down before he becomes hysterical.
- Keep your baby’s environment calm. Keep her and the people around her relaxed. Make sure that things are not too chaotic or loud, which may cause her to become over stimulated.
- Be calm when your baby holds his breath. If you panic and begin yelling or running around, your baby will become even more upset and it will make the problem even worse.
- Do not give in. After a breath holding episode, you may feel so relieved that you will be tempted to give in to your baby to make sure that she does not become upset again. However, this will actually lead to more episodes. If your baby learns that she can get what she wants by holding her breath, she will do so every time that you tell her “no.”