Day 18
啊~今天是返鄉的日子. 一夥人考量帶著四個小孩和一大堆行李決定提前四個小時出發. 結果還是發生了兩件小插曲,讓我們驚險的在最後一刻才入關.
來到機場的第一件事:退稅(由於Ava是以觀光的身分到南非,所以購買的部分商品可以退稅 :D),退完稅後大家就開始吃早餐囉!
突然間,Nana不見了,機場那麼大,我們一群人開始分配區域,你找廁所-你找二樓-你找商店….這時我的心裡一直在自語:超了該不會東方血統的比較好賣馬上被抓走了吧? 回報一:不在廁所,回報二:不在二樓…我開始感到腿軟,腦筋空白了! 正在此時,我:Ambers呢? 我心裡高分貝的尖叫:天阿~舌蛇集團要把我們史都華家的孩子賣掉啦….童養媳,童工,雛妓…我…..無…法…..再….想….了! 我要報警,我要廣播,我要封鎖機場,沒人可以帶走我家孩子. 婆婆高喊:找到了,他們去某家免稅店裡跳舞,照鏡子! 呼~~~~呼~~~~空氣好清新喔!呵呵呵,能大口呼吸的感覺真好 ♥
pumpkinslayer says
Hmm, I think there’s a missing bag there in the first photo…
After getting to the airport for our return journey to Taiwan, as we checked in our baggage we noticed that there was one bag missing (looks like the black one on the right in the first picture, but bigger).
Mom raced home to get the bag and got it to us basically five minutes before boarding time, which put a frown on the SAA lady’s face, but everything was sorted out and fine to go in the end.
Tks mom, and BTW, you can keep those speeding tickets 🙂
The upside to this chaotic farewell… no long goodbye’s and no time to get teary eyed (I guess that’s an upside).