Christina has a new favorite game: Tossing Rings. Nana最近迷上了丟圈圈,每個星期四晚上都等著我下課帶她去夜市,只是...Nana那天女散花的丟法真的很妙,攤販阿嬤看了都笑了,還有圈圈是往後丟讓路人哥哥撿回來(Nana還想說:ㄟ,哥哥為什麼要給我圈圈呢?) Tossing the rings is a very common game at the night markets here. And it's the same as the ring toss anywhere in the world. Get the ring over the stick, or in this case bottles and cans, and you win a prize. Christina … [Read more...] about Christina Tossing Rings
Christina 娜娜
Christina imitating the DVD 2008-10-05
最近在整理照片時找到了一些Nana超可愛的影片和照片,雖然已前已經在家庭部落格中分享過,還是忍不住再PO一次! 這段影片市兩年前剛搬回台南時拍攝的,Nana將近兩歲半.影片中Nana在模仿巧虎DVD中的常規教育短片,Nana很忙的一人分飾三角,台詞如下: 開場:姐姐正在玩積木,弟弟跑過來了... Na姐: 阿~~媽媽呀~~弟弟把我的積木翻倒了! Na媽:弟弟,跟姐姐說對不起 Na弟:姐姐,對不起... Na姐:沒關係 超可愛童音,逗得一旁的阿公也"笑嗨嗨" … [Read more...] about Christina imitating the DVD 2008-10-05
Breakfast with Christina
We've been very busy recently, today I woke up earlier and took Christina for breakfast before she went to school. She has a habit of putting away the plates and cups after she finish eating. … [Read more...] about Breakfast with Christina
Taichung Highway rest station
這天我們一家到台中參加"莫非"大師的研習,回家途中遇到塞車=_=" 所以我們中途到清水休息站吃晚餐和玩耍了一下,天氣涼爽,地方很大,兩個小朋友也都很開心.今天除了在研習中收穫滿滿外,也有一個愉快的夜晚,只是回程中,我拼了命的唱歌吵小孩...就怕她們睡著了! … [Read more...] about Taichung Highway rest station
Painting at home on Typhoon day
During Typhoon Fanapi we had a day off, so we did some painting activities at home. We had a very windy night, so in the morning I went out to pick up some leaves for painting. 所需材料及工具: 水彩筆 水彩或廣告原料 紙杯 紙盤(或調色盤) 樹葉(清洗後擦乾) 圖畫紙 Things and tools you need: paintbrush watercolor paper cup paper plate leaves( wash and dry them before you use them) art … [Read more...] about Painting at home on Typhoon day