難得Nana放學時,Christopher還在午睡,我們就利用時間玩水彩. http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaAndDoubleC#5514619183176144658 非常好用,耐操的水彩(因為Na用同ㄧ隻水彩筆每一格都攪拌一下,但事後用衛生紙擦ㄧ擦就會擦掉被混過來的顏色耶!) http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaAndDoubleC#5514619149064779826 http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaAndDoubleC#5514619128007951106 完成圖名稱-彩色泡泡 http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaA … [Read more...] about 2010/08/09 Painting with Christina
2009/12/19 Hello Kitty Restaurant
到高雄參加活動時路過,為了方便好停車而選擇了這家餐廳...沒想到...它是...Kitty … [Read more...] about 2009/12/19 Hello Kitty Restaurant
2010/08/07 Trip to kaushiung
史都華家近兩年來第一次在外過夜文來囉! http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaAndDoubleC#5514595474975383938 首先,來到小港機場旁的親子餐廳~天空之城~真的非常合適家庭共遊(最小的ㄧ歲,最大的六十都玩得很滿意喔) 餐點佳,價位中上,可邊用餐邊看飛機起降(因為忙著追小孩沒拍到餐點,下次補拍囉~) 動物區:有鴕鳥,山羊,兔子...看看弟弟ㄧ臉不在意,姐姐已經因驚嚇過度而飛奔到媽媽拍不到的遠處去了. 姐弟兩素有"康大膽"和"康沒膽"之封號! http://picasaweb.google.com/hellotopeter/AvaAndDoubleC#5514595090179524834 沙坑-兩小無猜之背影照 http://picasaweb.google.co … [Read more...] about 2010/08/07 Trip to kaushiung
Christina said
The other day Christina was trying to make a hat with her toy and after a while she came to me and said, "Mommy, can you help me?" I told her, "Try it by yourself first and I'll help you when you can't make it." Then she said, "But I want to succeed" (probably a term she learned from Dora the Explorer, and what she means is "I don't want to fail.") After she said that I … [Read more...] about Christina said
Christina and Christopher on the Playground
http://qik.com/video/12108329 Christina and Christopher playing on jungle gym at Christina's school. Christina recently changed to a new school. She was at her old school for two years, but her old teacher was changed, so we moved her to this school that is slightly closer to home and she has a new teacher with a very different style. Initially we were worried because this … [Read more...] about Christina and Christopher on the Playground