Story --The color of a day Published by Joy 這是我第一次到鎮上的JOY說故事,經營JOY的是一對夫妻Shophia和Benny,他們對學校的經營及教學都相當的注重及用心. 今天的故事主題是:顏色. 我仿照書中的圖以簽字筆畫在四開的圖畫紙上,來進行故事. 故事後請小朋友把圖塗上顏色 延伸活動 … [Read more...] about 2010-07-09 Storytelling in Juli Joy
games 教學遊戲
Phonics Games 3- Sticky ball games
Sticky ball 真是老師的好幫手, 每次使用時都加上一點小小的變化(再多寫幾篇關於Sticky ball的遊戲,都可以出Sticky ball特輯囉 :D),就可以讓小朋友充滿興趣和新鮮感,看著孩子們快樂學英文真的很棒耶~ 今天我們先把新字母和單字討論,練習後寫在白板 小朋有兩人一組競賽 競賽規則:拿蒼蠅拍推黏黏球,邊念指定字母和單字,先到達白板者獲勝 … [Read more...] about Phonics Games 3- Sticky ball games
Rosie’s walk 這是我們這星期分享的繪本: Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins 就如同影片中ㄧ樣,書中的文字非常少,簡單的圖片一目了然,卻不失故事性,反之,給予老師更多的發揮及延伸空間,帶給小朋友更多的想像空間. 以下是Ava在故事分享後,以樂器和繪本中兩位主角的圖片進行的活動: … [Read more...] about Rosie’s walk
How many Fingers?
We were practicing numbers, this is a very simple guessing game that we played in class. 我們最近在學數字, 這是ㄧ個非常簡單的猜數字遊戲. … [Read more...] about How many Fingers?
Silly sentence phonics game
We were practicing phonics, I like to make my phonics class a little more exciting . In this game, instead of just chanting the sound of the letter and a single word, I add a silly sentence to the end. The silly sentence includes an actoin that kids can do. Once they've finished reading the sentence and doing the actions they try to be the first to hit the whiteboard. Here … [Read more...] about Silly sentence phonics game