這是媽媽和老師界中幾乎人手一本的繪本,句型簡單可隨小朋友年紀或學習程度進行調整或變化討論的深淺度,更可搭配各種主題來增加教學的內容及豐富課程,例如:顏色,動物,感官...等不同主題. 照片中的圖案是我用粉彩紙仿照書中圖片所做的,在圖書館說這本書時,我先以圖片讓小朋友認識各種動物,以此亦可確定當日小朋友大致上的程度,說完故事後,我將圖片貼在圖書是四周的牆壁上,請小朋友問我:Ava Ava What do you see? … [Read more...] about Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see
props 教具
Fun with shaving cream
準備物品: 托盤 刮鬍泡或奶油(鐵罐裝/裝飾蛋糕用/超市有賣) 活動紀錄:是的!真的很好玩,看看Nana臉上的那抹微笑.這是一道非常簡單的操作,準備事項也很簡單.只是使用刮鬍泡時要提醒小朋友不要碰嘴巴,眼睛.如果很擔心小朋友的安全的話可以改用裝飾蛋糕用的奶油,而相較之下,刮鬍泡則是比較容易清洗.我們當天操作完,Nana主動提出:想要用紙巾將拖盤擦乾淨,後來Nana真的自己將拖盤擦得一乾二淨喔! 活動功能:這項活動除了可以刺激小朋友的觸覺外,還可以讓小朋友以手指在托盤上練習筆順,畫形狀和數量.而事後想想,Nana以廚房紙巾將拖旁擦乾淨的同時也是手腕練習的好活動,當然也建立了良好的收拾習慣喔! … [Read more...] about Fun with shaving cream
Mouse Paint
故事開始前先吹汽球,請小朋又自己挑顏色,藉此複習. 今天的故事-Mouse Paint (延續上周Color的主題) 配合今天的主題,Ava做了"拉拉卡"讓小朋友操作 (製作方式:http://avaanddoublec.com/2010/05/08/magic-card-%e6%8b%89%e6%8b%89%e5%8d%a1/),小朋友一看到拉拉卡,眼睛都發亮了喔! 在操作過程中我們練習: What color is it? It's____. … [Read more...] about Mouse Paint
Magic Card-拉拉卡
Tools and materials you need: markers scissors papers transparent file holders Step 1. Draw the picture you like on the paper and the file holder Step 2. color in the pictures on the paper Step 3. apply double sided tape to the back of the paper Step 4. then stick the picture inside the file holder (make sure the picture on the paper and the outline on the … [Read more...] about Magic Card-拉拉卡
Sort the beans
Pick a few different kinds of beans and mix them together in container. Introduce the names of the beans and explain to the kids how to sort them. Prepare: container beans (start with a small amount of the biggest beans you can find) tray (it's easier to catch any beans that are dropped) Goal: To improve concentration … [Read more...] about Sort the beans