四本公公說:一定要買的書 加上四本我喜愛的畫風或主題而選的書,其中有兩本是玩具書,會擇日仔細介紹. 到南非的第三天就已經殺紅眼買了他們 送給阿福和Nana的書(很高興兩個小朋友也是愛書人) 這是送給Nana的書,很美的一本書,很很討小女生的歡心 早在出國前就在Amanzon.uk 定了一些書請帥小叔幫我帶回南非給我, 省了許多運費耶. 意外的驚喜舅媽送來七套介紹南非的讀本, 表姐也送我兩本家喻戶曉的童書當見面禮,我真是高興到要跳起來囉! 回國前一天逛街時又多收了幾本 我只付了請小叔帶回來的書,其餘全是公公買單....開心到做夢都會笑呦! … [Read more...] about Nothing but books!
Teaching Fun 我愛教書
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
How do dinosaurs say good night By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague This is one of the Christina's bedtime story, She reads it every night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKh8y3pO78Y … [Read more...] about How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
Fast and Slow with the Lollipop Drum
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gie0xmVyGAE … [Read more...] about Fast and Slow with the Lollipop Drum
Twister Fun
Twister: The classic game is played on a mat with lots of dots of different colors. Players spin a wheel to choose a body part and a color. The player then has to put that body part on a dot of the right color to stay in the game. The version of twister that I have is a set of extra large dots, instead of the typical mat. Twister with a twist: 1. Place the big colored dots on … [Read more...] about Twister Fun
How many Fingers?
We were practicing numbers, this is a very simple guessing game that we played in class. 我們最近在學數字, 這是ㄧ個非常簡單的猜數字遊戲. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJYIY2GbYkA … [Read more...] about How many Fingers?