I'm the biggest thing in the ocean by Kevin Sherry, read by Ava http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3eH7uiUi0M … [Read more...] about I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean
Themes 主題
Five Little Monkey
步驟1. 將不織布捲成手指的尺寸 步驟2. 黏上猴子的身體及臉部所需配件(如圖)---完成 Five little Monkey Jumping on the Bed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QV3qKKvZII Five Little Monkey Swinging in a tree (搭配Alligator) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPsvJtBryEo … [Read more...] about Five Little Monkey
Folding Beach Scene
Start with a piece of cardboard from a cardboard box. Cover it in blue paper, then cut out some sand colored paper for the beach part at the bottom. Glue colored sand to the beach to give it the texture of sand. Print various sea animals to stick on the scene. Laminate the animals, put double sided tape on the back of them. Stick them to some cloth first to make it less … [Read more...] about Folding Beach Scene
Mr. Potato and his family
各位,看到這照片中的陣仗後...請先掌聲加尖叫!多麼感人的一個教具啊~等你聽完我如何得到這教具後,相信妳們會淚奔滴... 故事是這樣的...Once upon a time, 我去吃摩斯漢堡,看到後面一桌的那位高中女孩桌上擺著Mr. Potato, 我立即衝上前問她:去哪買的呢? 女孩:朋友送的,我不知道. 我說:喔~失落地走回座位並不時回頭看看(嗯~約莫三秒回一次頭,一次看十秒的頻率) 女孩在用餐後來到我身旁:給你,我不想要這個,我看你好像很喜歡. 我說:這樣怎麼好意思呢(其實心中高興的在奔跑) 女孩:反正是別人送的,我也不想要,沒關係! 就這樣,Mr. Potato 一家人與我相伴至今(拭淚中...) 教具介紹:1. 每一個成員身上的衣服或配件都可以拔下來 2.五官也都可以拔下來 3.每一個成員都可以放到最大的Mr. … [Read more...] about Mr. Potato and his family
Transportation Board
這是配合當時教學教材主題而做的一個教具,目的是讓小朋友分辨各樣交通工具的運用模式及地點.每一個交通工具圖卡都是可以拿起來的,所以Ava會將圖卡排在板子前或放在神秘袋中讓小朋友抽選在貼到板子上.Ava還做過另一個類似的教具但有一次做小黃時忘了拿下來~~啊~~到現在想起來都還想抓頭髮大叫>_<" 所需材料: 紙箱一個 交通工具圖卡 博士膜 粉彩紙 製做流程: 將紙箱一面裁下 貼上粉彩紙及所喜愛之背景圖案(例如:雲,太陽) 以博士膜護貝 將交通工具圖卡護貝 … [Read more...] about Transportation Board