一本實用的布書,適用於Family或Feeling的主題. 和Ava自製教具有異曲同工之妙,比較精緻,在收藏上也比較方便.(在金玉堂書局購得) … [Read more...] about My Family
Themes 主題
2010/07/23 Storytelling at Jiali Joy
Story--What Happened to Lina's Smile? Published by Joy 故事主題:情緒 故事開始前,Peter先拍照留念 引導討論 故事後的延伸活動(勞作) … [Read more...] about 2010/07/23 Storytelling at Jiali Joy
Family Member Puzzles
這是我多年前的ㄧ個作品,配合"家庭"主題,主要功能:認識家庭中的各個成員,並了解其特徵. 製作過程及所需工具都非常簡單,但小朋友都操作得很開心喔! 製作過程: 1.剪出一個圓後,畫上表情 2.剪出個人物所需要的配件,例如:鬍鬚,不同的髮型,眼鏡...等 3.護貝後剪裁.(完成) 所需材料及工具: 1.粉彩紙(顏色自訂) 2. 剪刀 3. 奇異筆或彩色筆 4.護貝膜和護貝機 Another of my early creations, but one that the kids can have a lot of fun with. You are showing a picture of grandma and suddenly … [Read more...] about Family Member Puzzles
Transportation Puzzles with Shadows
PICTURES OF THE VOCABULARY AND THE PUZZLES Find a picture for the vocabulary you're teaching. Print it out and cut it into smaller pieces. These will be puzzle pieces. To make it a little easier I created the shadow card which has the shadow shape of the vocabulary word. The kids can try to place the pieces correctly on the shadow of the picture. The thin kind of … [Read more...] about Transportation Puzzles with Shadows