We went to Teacher Dorina's workshop together. 開始玩變裝了... 哇~這怪怪的打扮顯然嚇到那位小朋友了! ㄟ...Nana在做什麼呢? 偷吃! 偷吃的是--科學麵~ 還玩起自拍來啦 XD 也幫媽咪拍了一張 … [Read more...] about At Dorina’s workshop
Game– Touch & Say
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA-1VpO-NE8 This is a game that we played while we were learning colors, this is a game that fits any topics, you just need to put on different flash cards on the wall. … [Read more...] about Game– Touch & Say
Christina Dancing Nobody
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOxSDwuQDH8 … [Read more...] about Christina Dancing Nobody
Why story
Why Story 我很愛聽故事! 我還記得小時候坐在客廳裡,聽著阿公用日文數數,數完了阿公就會開始說,他為什麼會說日文,他以前上學生期時要唱日本國歌…那是阿公的年代,阿公的故事,沒有故事書,是ㄧ個印在阿公腦海裡的故事. 我還記得有一年的那一晚,爸爸的兄弟姊妹們幾乎全聚到我家來,我不記得為何而聚,也不記得確切的時間,只記得那晚大家打通鋪睡在一起,爸爸和姑姑突然聊起他們如何度過八七水災:姑姑說那天早上他還背著叔叔稻田裡工作,爸爸說:水來時他爬到屋子的橫樑上趴著,眼看著被灌了水的豬從他眼前漂走...那是爸爸的年代,爸爸的故事,也沒有故事書,是ㄧ個印在爸爸腦海裡的故事. 就這樣一代接一代,而每一個年代又因時空的不同而有著全然不同的故事,所以,以前有說書的人把故事以口述的方式流傳下來,而現在有故事書,小說甚至於是電影. … [Read more...] about Why story
Magic Card-拉拉卡
Tools and materials you need: markers scissors papers transparent file holders Step 1. Draw the picture you like on the paper and the file holder Step 2. color in the pictures on the paper Step 3. apply double sided tape to the back of the paper Step 4. then stick the picture inside the file holder (make sure the picture on the paper and the outline on the … [Read more...] about Magic Card-拉拉卡