前幾天,Na突然對我說:媽~我要坐火車! 我才想到,是阿…由於我們鎮上的地理位置之故,即便以 前從台北回來若不是搭高鐵就是搭和欣客運. 就這樣,把握星期天空閒的下午,由我開車到永康火車站(注意囉!是愛娃開的車),搭火車囉!
Christina has been saying for a few weeks that she wants to go on a train, so Ava came up with a special plan for a short trip. This train ride has special meaning in Chinese so we went for it.
Firstly a little story about the meaning. This journey is between two stations, with the special meaning only being derived from the one way trip from Yongkang station to Baoan station.
The two station names are underlined on the left and the alternative order is shown at the right. The new order means “Forever Healthy”. It’s just a little word play that’s done with Chinese characters.
The trip is only 10 minutes and pretty cheap, neither kid needed to pay to get on.
Christina found the whole thing quite exciting and so did the little guy. But Christopher insisted on running up and down through the train carriage, and if we didn’t let him, he started screaming at the top of his lungs. Funnily enough he didn’t fall down because of the train moving or stopping, but he did manage to bash his lip against a railing when trying to play on the stairs.
A short little trip, and a great little excursion for the afternoon.