看完Dream girls 好一陣子了,當然也不只看過一次.這部電影除了唱作俱佳之外也呈現了”實現夢想”的每一面,是這麼的貼近真實人性也直接的演出了人性的現實.
I like the movie “Dream Girls” very much, so of course I’ve watched it quite a few times already.
Doubtless, the film is full of beautiful songs and girls.
The most important point is that it presents so accurately how people can change or make different choices when it is about your dream, some choose to move forward without thinking about others, some choose to give up and some choose to stick with what they really believe no matter what.
How important are your dreams in your life?
In all my years I’ve learned, “you can’t predict humanity, reality is important and dreams shouldn’t be limited.”
I’ve learned how to define the difference between imagination and dreams, for example I finally realize I don’t look like Cindy Crawford as much as I thought. Also, my 20 or 30 classmates really didn’t all have a crush on me.
I’ve also learned by experience the differences between dreams and goals. For example, when I was 22 and living in Taipei, I especially made pork sandwiches to give to the homeless guy who lives in a pedestrian underpass in Taipei. I tried to show him that life is always full of love and hope, but when he looked at me, with the return of the freak girl look, I knew that I should have put more effort in education rather than making sandwiches.
Yes! I’m definitely a dream girl.
Not because I always have dreams when I sleep, good ones, bad ones…
I always believed in my dreams since I was little.
I believe that everyone should have a dream in your mind, not necessarily with a time table or big ambition involved, but at least a dream that keeps your faith, keeps you moving forward.
I believe that dreams will always come true as long as you believe in yourself.
If you’ve been reading my blog a lot you’d know how much and how often I talk about how we should always keep our dreams in mind.
Here I am, I’m so glad to announce that one of my dreams is about to come true.
Step by step mine is about to come true, but there is never an ending for my dream.
Keep on believing, my dear friends.