Do you want to be my friend By Eric Carle 以小老鼠為主角,整本故事只以"Do you want to be my friend" 一句話串起整個故事,每以頁都是由各種動物的尾巴帶入,讓小朋友由不同的細節來認識及注意各種動物的特色,故事中同時也埋藏了一些小伏筆,讓小朋友能夠增進觀察及推理能力. 1.自製圖卡讓小朋友認識各種動物的尾巴及配對練習 2. Catch the Lion. 以毛根和不織布做成獅子的尾巴後加上鬆緊帶讓小朋友帶到腰部,再由另一位小朋友扮演抓獅子的一方.相當簡單又有趣的遊戲. 3.由小朋友自製的Lion Mask,小朋友都相當喜愛,高興著帶在臉上回家! … [Read more...] about Do You Want to Be My Friend
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
How do dinosaurs say good night By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague This is one of the Christina's bedtime story, She reads it every night. … [Read more...] about How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
Little Eggs Baby Birds by Frances Barry
This book describes how birds make their nests, lay their eggs and then take care of the eggs until the little chicks are hatched. A self-described "fold out and find out" book, each page folds out from the books octangular shape to reveal the whole life cycle into what eventually becomes a picture of the whole tree with the little chicks in the nest. Each pair of pages in … [Read more...] about Little Eggs Baby Birds by Frances Barry
Mommy by Maurice Sendak
Mommy is another great book by Maurice Sendak, known for his classic Where The Wild Things Are and one of my favorites from childhood In The Night Kitchen. In this extremely intricate popup book, the main character explores a haunted house looking for his mommy. Along the way he bumps into vampires, monsters, ghouls, Frankenstein's monster, werewolves and, of course, his … [Read more...] about Mommy by Maurice Sendak
Fun in the Farm
Fun in the farm … [Read more...] about Fun in the Farm