Christina and Christopher were playing in the bedroom at bedtime. A very sweet video to share with you. … [Read more...] about Kissing-Jumping-Reading
Monkey and Me
Monkey and me By Emily Gravet 這是我們第二次看"Monkey and me",小朋友的反應很熱烈,相當主動得跟著念也很興奮的一起猜測下一個會出現的動物. Ava還是要再說一次:每當此時,繪本不只是繪本! … [Read more...] about Monkey and Me
終於...我找到了,好好的幫自己的藏書找到記錄的方法了.我迫不及待的把自己的書全登記好了,但還沒開始寫讀後心得之類的記錄. 整理好了,房間乾淨了一半,因為還有一堆教具和勞作的半成品,所以心情輕鬆了一半! 把聯結和大家分享,我的好友Michelle看完之後直呼"愛娃太誇張了" 我只能說:想我Double C 故事屋 的名號可不是浪得虛名的呀~~(聳肩,狂笑中...) 看完愛娃的收藏後,有FU的歡迎留言分享呦! 接下來,我要開始幫我家"Na董"量身訂作---聖誕晚會妝扮----辣NA雪人裝囉! 若真的想把自己再整慘一點就也幫阿福作一套好了....只是不知道要做什麼好呢?歡迎留言建議 ;D 好了~碎碎念完畢 網址如下: … [Read more...] about Finally
Fast and Slow with the Lollipop Drum … [Read more...] about Fast and Slow with the Lollipop Drum
Alligator Hand Puppet Craft Materials: An alligator picture Felt Scissors A googly eye Glue Pipe cleaner A glove 1. Cut the alligator picture into the pieces that we need. Cut out the lower jaw, the head and legs. 2. Cut out the pieces with the felt. Stick them to the glove as shown below. 3. Put pipe cleaner behind the body of the alligator to … [Read more...] about Alligator Hand Puppet Craft