這天,我們來到了雲林的崙背鄉找好友Phoebe和Derek,每次在Phoebe的網誌中看到她說她現在住在"增咖",心裡總是想著:應該跟佳里鎮差不多吧!那天到了崙背之後有著實的確認了"增咖"這見事.但是,那真的是個合適小孩成長的環境喔! Christina到二阿姨家和表妹玩耍,拒絕和我們同行.>_<" 這是我家阿福最近看到相機的標準一號表情. Phoebe和Derek籌備中的學校. 崙背的孩子有福囉,有兩位大師級的老師來囉~ 學校的外牆,附帶一提:那花的圖型可是Derek自己設計的喔,還有更厲害的呢,那國字是他親手提的耶.佩服,佩服. 天阿,天阿...那U型櫃臺也是Derek親手作的喔,也太有才華了吧! 雖然下面這張照片沒拍好,但還是忍不住把它放上來. 照片中是Phoebe的媽媽(黑衣)抱著孫子和鄰居話家常,我 … [Read more...] about Meeting Phoebe and Derek
About the airplane
Ava:Hey, Christina we're going to take the airplane to South Africa. Christina: No! I'll fly away, if i take the airplane. Ava: If you buckle up you won't. Christina: Then I'll fly the airplane. Ava: Oh, then we might really fly away. Ava:nana,我們要坐飛機到南非囉! nana:我不行啦!我會飛走. Ava:安全帶扣好就不會飛走啦,而且機票都買好ㄌ耶. nana:那我來開飛機 Ava:喔~那我怕我會飛走ㄋㄟ … [Read more...] about About the airplane
Good or Bad
In our moden life now there's always a variety of choices for everything, so we get to evaluate the good and bad in everything we do. But, what is the minimum standard that makes something good and what's the point where it becomes bad? 在現代的生活環境中,任何事都有多重的選擇,不同的價格,不同的風格...所以我們對於任何選擇開始分辨好和壞,例如:哪家早餐比較好吃?哪家飲料店最好喝?哪家學校比較好?在我們及於分辨及選擇時是否曾經想過:何謂"好"?"不好"的標準是什麼? There are some parents … [Read more...] about Good or Bad
“Slowly Slowly Slowly” said the Sloth- Ava’s heart to heart talk.
前幾週分享了這本故事書,看完之後心有戚戚焉. 首先,在看繪本的過程中,我非常欣賞主角"樹懶",當它面臨其他動物的質疑時,它在思考後從容有自信的回答,不因他人的質疑而失去自信或受影響,我期許自己和自己的孩子有這樣的能力. 慢--不等於不好. 和人不同--不代表不對 在書的後面,還有作者的一段話也讓我反覆地閱讀及思考了許多次. 是阿...身為現代人的我們總是汲汲營營的過完一天,不知不覺又一週,轉眼之間是一個月,眼睛一眨就一年, 在埋頭往前衝的時候,心中是否有答案呢?如果只有勇往直前,卻沒有昂首闊步.. 兩個月前在每天工作的地方出現了這美麗的黃花海,每天上樓上課前我總是告訴自己~阿~好美喔,下課後我一定要在這好好得欣賞一下這近在眼前的美景,不要浪費了這生命中的美好,一天天過去後我總是因為趕著接小孩趕著上課而無法停留,某天,我決定先將這美 … [Read more...] about “Slowly Slowly Slowly” said the Sloth- Ava’s heart to heart talk.
The Orange
I have to confess, I've been following the annoying orangefor quite some time now, it helps me to relax when I stay up late for work and always makes me laugh. the thing is it's not just funny, it's also very "cool". So, there you go, hope you have a good laugh just like I always … [Read more...] about The Orange