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Twister Fun
Twister: The classic game is played on a mat with lots of dots of different colors. Players spin a wheel to choose a body part and a color. The player then has to put that body part on a dot of the right color to stay in the game. The version of twister that I have is a set of extra large dots, instead of the typical mat. Twister with a twist: 1. Place the big colored dots on … [Read more...] about Twister Fun
30 Stories!
轉眼間,故事屋已經成立了半年多了. Ava也和孩子們分享了將近30個故事了. 在記錄的過程嘗中大多寫道孩子們的反應及狀況,但每次在整理照片時又總是因為這些可愛的,用心的家長感到感動不已.教書這麼多年以來,孩子快樂的臉總是一個很大的動力,這是我第一次體驗到家長的回饋居然也讓我增加了那麼大的動力. 親愛的家長們:謝謝你們的那麼用心的對待孩子,你們真的是Ava學習的好榜樣,也是Ava教學路上的好夥伴! 以下為部分家長介紹: 1. 可愛又認真的阿公: 阿公時常帶著三個可愛的孫子一起來聽故事,在課程進行中阿公也都很認真的參與各項活動,也很主動的跟著念喔! 2.快樂又美麗的Joan媽媽 Joan的媽媽總是面帶微笑對於孩子的教養非常的正向,一家人也都面帶微笑,這是美女媽媽和我們一起唱童謠的照片. 3. 參與度極高的Wendy& Betty … [Read more...] about 30 Stories!
Before School in the Morning
Before we leave for school Christopher checks his parents book. Daddy's calling Time to pack the book. … [Read more...] about Before School in the Morning
Thanksgiving Turkey Footprint
From Wikipedia: Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While there was an underlying religious element in the original celebration, Thanksgiving today is primarily identified as a secular … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving Turkey Footprint