Christina has a new favorite game: Tossing Rings. Nana最近迷上了丟圈圈,每個星期四晚上都等著我下課帶她去夜市,只是...Nana那天女散花的丟法真的很妙,攤販阿嬤看了都笑了,還有圈圈是往後丟讓路人哥哥撿回來(Nana還想說:ㄟ,哥哥為什麼要給我圈圈呢?) Tossing the rings is a very common game at the night markets here. And it's the same as the ring toss anywhere in the world. Get the ring over the stick, or in this case bottles and cans, and you win a prize. Christina … [Read more...] about Christina Tossing Rings
2010-10-16 Cave Bookstore
這一天的行程真是大爆滿:早上去上班--下午兩點半去Na的學校參加親子活動--下午四點衝到敦煌去買書--晚上七點又趕回來上課...由於從鎮上到敦煌來回也要一個半小時,唉呀~我們好像快閃一族喔.(搖頭苦笑中) 忙裡偷閒的Nana(她...她看的是?) 在敦煌停留一個小時的戰績(有特別注意到那可愛的袋子嗎?是的~Ava利用15分鐘進到菓風小舖去發揮高效率的採買法囉!) Hey! 大家來找碴,以上兩張圖片找出相異處? 戰利品圖: … [Read more...] about 2010-10-16 Cave Bookstore
2010/08/27 Storytelling in Jiali Joy- From Head to Toe
Story - From Head to Toe by Eric Carle Craft making- Giraffe … [Read more...] about 2010/08/27 Storytelling in Jiali Joy- From Head to Toe
2010/07/23 Storytelling at Jiali Joy
Story--What Happened to Lina's Smile? Published by Joy 故事主題:情緒 故事開始前,Peter先拍照留念 引導討論 故事後的延伸活動(勞作) … [Read more...] about 2010/07/23 Storytelling at Jiali Joy
2010-07-09 Storytelling in Juli Joy
Story --The color of a day Published by Joy 這是我第一次到鎮上的JOY說故事,經營JOY的是一對夫妻Shophia和Benny,他們對學校的經營及教學都相當的注重及用心. 今天的故事主題是:顏色. 我仿照書中的圖以簽字筆畫在四開的圖畫紙上,來進行故事. 故事後請小朋友把圖塗上顏色 延伸活動 … [Read more...] about 2010-07-09 Storytelling in Juli Joy