I like music style, it's actually Japanese tune with Taiwanese lyrics. The lyrics are about a girl who left her hometown to go to a big city and look for a job...the song is quite old, so the way the describe is … [Read more...] about My Top 5 Taiwanese songs
Painting at home with cousin in Typhoon day
在瘋狂的颱風夜過後,芊芊來我們家玩,吃完pizza後,我們開始玩水彩,這次在廣告顏料中加了白膠,目的是希望顏色能夠濃稠ㄧ點,小朋友在印手印時比較好印上去也比較不會滴下來,希望下次能挑戰更高難度的水彩遊戲喔. 所需材料及工具: 專心調色中 蓋手印 不同蓋法 等手印乾了之後再以彩色筆加工成喜愛的圖案 橘色作品是Ava的示範圖,芊芊得沒拍到,娜姐的在還沒完成前就...消失無蹤囉! … [Read more...] about Painting at home with cousin in Typhoon day
Chinese Moon Festival Character Set
I was digging around in my stuff, trying to bring order to the chaos that comes from being in constant state of making new props and teaching things, and I found this old set of character for the Moon Festival story. I laughed as I remarked to my husband that I really had so much time on my hands before we were married and before we had children. Every character has been … [Read more...] about Chinese Moon Festival Character Set
In Christina’s shoes
Christopher loves to wear other people's shoes. Here are the videos and photos of him wearing Christina's shoes. … [Read more...] about In Christina’s shoes
How many Fingers?
We were practicing numbers, this is a very simple guessing game that we played in class. 我們最近在學數字, 這是ㄧ個非常簡單的猜數字遊戲. … [Read more...] about How many Fingers?