The other day, after I helped Christopher to change his diaper, he fell really hard onto my left hand and hurt my index finger. Luckily, nothing was broken, but there was some ligament damage, which means I have to have it wrapped up with a support for the week. I’ve had to postpone my cooking efforts for the moment, until it gets better.
Since Friday night I have had a very upset stomach. I tried all the medicine we have in the house, but none of them helped. The strange thing is that I’ve been eating normally, three meals a day.
I had no idea that these wouldn’t work and on Sunday morning, after telling a story at the library, I had to rush to the nearest clinic.
But even after two bags of medicine from the clinic, I still felt terrible and made a trip to the emergency room at Xinlou hospital.
更加沒想到,醫生說一定要吊點滴,我也只好就範,就在這個時候,護士小姐她…她把針扎進我的左手手盤後,遲疑了一下,針頭在我皮膚裡鑽了一下~沒打到. 只好換右手再來一次, 可怕的是她….她又沒打到,而且很不服輸的再鑽一次,這時我忍不住大叫:媽阿~好痛喔,到底是怎麼一回事阿,護士小姐:喔,因為你的血管太細了,我去換一根細一點的真再來一次.聽到這我開始哇哇大哭(Sorry, something wrong with the Chinese input on my computer, can’t finish this article in Chinese)
Once I got to the hospital, the doctor told me that I need to be put on a drip. So the nurse took my left hand to insert the needle. She stuck the needle in, twisted it around, jabbed a few more times, then pulled out the needle. Then she took my right hand and did the same again, needle in, twist around, jab a bit, twist around. At this point I started to cry because it was just so sore, so she took it out. The nurse then told me that my veins are too small, so she’ll go get a new needle and try again.
Then I started to cry. The nurses and doctors came and tried to convince me to let them try to do it again. One of the doctors tried to tell me, “You know, this just happens sometimes,” to which I replied, “Well, then you come try it.” That was enough and I was too shocked so I just paid and left, without getting any treatment whatsoever.
Karin stewart says
Are you better now?