Pick a few different kinds of beans and mix them together in container. Introduce the names of the beans and explain to the kids how to sort them. Prepare: container beans (start with a small amount of the biggest beans you can find) tray (it's easier to catch any beans that are dropped) Goal: To improve concentration … [Read more...] about Sort the beans
我們家的第四位成員-Christopher,目前10個月大,個性相當隨和,略又自然捲,以下髮型是由爸爸幫他精心設計後所拍攝的,我們家弟弟果然是潮男,因該可以一舉拿下木村拓哉的髮蠟代言喔! … [Read more...] about Christopher
Lovely Cherries
我想絕大部分的人都能分辨出照片中的兩種水果,是的,左邊是櫻桃而右邊是葡萄! 故事的來由是:當我剖腹產後,Peter問我"妳想吃什麼呢?我幫妳買."我說:櫻桃. 隔了一會,Peter買回來一袋水果,我問:"買不到櫻桃喔?"Peter用非常確定的口氣告訴我"買到啦,在這裡!" 我冷冷地說" 嗯,那是葡萄" Peter說"不是啦,這是櫻桃呀" 我說:"我...跟妳保證那不是櫻桃,是葡萄." 寫這篇文章的用意,是想像大家介紹一下我的先生-Peter, 不是想取笑他雖然這件事還滿好笑的,但這就是我結婚多年的另一半,嚴格說起來他很貼心但實際上來說他也很少一根筋,而這到底是加分還是扣分呢?我只能說:因時而定,依事而異! Can you tell what the fruits in the picture are? Yes, the ones … [Read more...] about Lovely Cherries