2010-10-07 Library 今天一大早送孩子們上學後來到圖書館當說故事媽媽,我很喜歡的一個身分和職稱.今天的故事是Too Noisy,小朋友們都很投入的為故事中的老公公在想辦法,也相當投入的在研究生活中常見物品及動物所發出來的聲音~這是一個很有意義的早晨. 故事後配合Ava自製教具自製教具,小朋友們相當感興趣,也讓Ava成就無限. … [Read more...] about Too Noisy
too noisy
Too Noisy story props
This slideshow shows the door/mouth idea used for a cow's mouth. Print the animal head (or door, window etc.). Choose one where the mouth fills as much of the paper as possible. Cut the part of the mouth that will open. Stick the printed part to another piece of paper (don't glue the mouth part). Make a hole near the top, and another at the end of the mouth (use a needle … [Read more...] about Too Noisy story props