Why Story
就這樣一代接一代,而每一個年代又因時空的不同而有著全然不同的故事,所以,以前有說書的人把故事以口述的方式流傳下來,而現在有故事書,小說甚至於是電影. 我最近剛看完”班擇明的奇幻旅程”,我常在想如果我沒看過這部電影,我會有這樣的想法或想像嗎?答案是”不會”.所以,這部電影不但讓我多了想像的空間也給了我一點醒思!還記的”是誰嗯嗯在我頭上”是第一本大概也是唯一一本讓我笑到彎腰的繪本,如果不是這本書我大概不會覺得大便在任何人頭上是好笑得更不會仔細去想各種動物大便的不同之處.
I love listening to stories!
I still remember when I was very little, I used to sit in the living room and listen to my grandpa counting in Japanese. Then he would start to tell us why he could speak Japanese and how he sang the Japanese national anthem in school. This was grandpa’s story, not in any storybook, only in his memory.
I still remember, in that year on that night, all of my dad’s siblings came and stayed in my house for the night and we slept on the floor together. Then my dad and my aunty started to tell what had happened that morning during the ’87 flood, how they put water into the pigs’ ears so the pigs wouldn’t drink and how they climbed onto the roof, this is my father’s story from his past, again, no storybook, only in his memories.
Just like that, generation after generation, the stories got passed on, each story completely different based on the time and situation. Back then they were all passed on by word of mouth, but now we have storybooks, novels and even movies, so stories can get passed on much easier now. Recently I just finished watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and wondered whether I would ever have thought of life in that way if I hadn’t seen the movie. The answer is “No.” So the movie didn’t only spark my imagination, but served as a reminder that we should not take life for granted and make the most of what we have. The very first storybook I read, that began my interest in storybooks, was one titled The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was None of his Business. Only because of this book I can see the humor in such a disgusting situation (having a poop on your head) and know the difference between the different types of droppings each animal has.
This is why we need stories. Books can contain anything in the storybook, real history, imaginative or motivational. After reading a good book or watching a good movie I have a real feeling of spiritual satisfaction. The reason for this spiritual satisfaction can be different according to your age, personality type and what is happening in your life. I watched Saving Private Ryan for the first time when I was 18, but when I watched it again when I was 25 the whole feeling of the whole movie was different, but it was just as satisfying, even though I was older.
No matter whether I listen to stories, read books or watch movies, they all give me a lot of different experiences and memories. Later on, it increased my motivation for my studies, for example I would want to know more about the flood that my dad went through, more details and more background to the event, and because it was meaningful to me, the details I learned really stay in my brain permanently. Another example is that I have never learned Japanese, but I can still count from one to six in Japanese and my imagination has increased a lot because my grandfather told me about his life in the Japanese age and I can clearly see the images of the things he described in my mind.希望大家都
I hope you enjoy stories as much as I do, and I hope that I can pass on that same joy to those who listen to my stories.